15900 S.W. 56 Street, Miami, FL 33185
Phone: 305-408-2700
Social Studies Department
World History Syllabus
Quarter I - Beginning to 500 A.D.

Quarter II - 500 A.D. to 1500 A.D.

The first Humans The World of Islam
Western Asia and Egypt Early African Civilizations
India and China The Asian World
Ancient Greece Emerging Europe and the Byzantine Empire
Rome and the Rise of Christianity Europe in the Middle Ages
  Renaissance and Reformation
Quarter III - 1500 A.D. to 1900 A.D. Quarter IV - 1900 A.D. to present
The Americas War and Revolution
The Age of Exploration The West between the Wars
Crisis and Absolutism in Europe Nationalism around the world
The Muslim Empires World War II
Revolution and Enlightment The Cold War
French Revolution and Napoleon Contemporary Western World
Industrialization and Nationalism Latin America
Mass Society and Democracy Africa and the Middle East
The Height of Imperialism  



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